About Me

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Self-published author with 3 books out there dealing with the darker side of life through poetry, short stories, observations and sketches. 'Love or Suicide and the Life In-between', 'this heat, it's hell closing in on me' and 'Words to be performed from under a table by the last of us'. Can't live without music (heavy metal and soundtrack's especially), film buff (sci-fi floats my boat), anime watcher (old school mainly), book reader (anything that captures my interest), gamer (PS4/Xbox-One), gym pumper and all round geek.

Monday, 30 May 2011


...what a film!  I watched it Saturday afternoon and it completely blew me away.  Its gorgeous, shocking, brilliant, disturbing, arty, vile, amazing...its everything!  Its also brilliantly acted and directed with a unique style...incredible!  Anyone reading this who wants to see something they probably haven't seen before should really watch it. 

It also inspired me and I spent the following 80 minutes writing poetry; some of which is below.  Read, enjoy, comment, get to it.

Cracking and spitting, the violence,
this disguise of new life is ripped,
a metaphor for the end,
a scream of silence and freedom.

A twig snaps underfoot,
a carcass opens its eyes,
breathes a snow sunset
and flies on a wave of memory.

And so this beginning, this birth,
mere cement for a frail humanity,
moral support in a demoralised land,
a stage of cripple and wealth.

We cradle and burp a bastard sigh,
we congratulate suffering and disease,
and by cutting the single life cord,
we prove this metaphor for the end.

At arms length

See that line pissed on the floor,
don't cross it, don't look at it.
See that barrier staring from my eyes,
don't question it, don't point at it.
See that silence coming from my mouth,
don't answer it, don't reach at it.

At arms length I stay,
at arms length I live,
at arms length I breath,
at arms length I am.

See that empty space I occupy,
don't fill it, don't dress at it.
See that hatred filling the air,
don't purify it, don't pity at it.
See that death over my shoulder,
don't bother it, don't forgive at it.

At arms length I wait,
at arms length I run,
at arms length I lust,
at arms length I die.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

What a long week...

...its been!  So, I work in a factory producing injection plastic mouldings for cars...bumpers, interior, door substrates etc.  I work on Quality as a Technician but am half managing the department at the moment because our manager left about 6 weeks ago.  Do I enjoy working there?  Work wouldn't be work if you enjoyed it!  I keep my head down, do the best job I can and get a decent wage packet at the end of the month...nuff said!!  Its been a long week though because I was off site for 2 days, done a fair bit of overtime and its been busy...but hey, it makes the week go faster and at least I have a job; the thought of being made redundant or struggling to find a job is not a happy thought!!

Anyways, I didn't start this blog to talk about work...lets talk about writing!  I got a load done last week.  I updated my Facebook page, blogged, wrote a erotic poem, sent another poem off to a competition and also started a short story ready for a competition.  This week will hopefully be as productive; I feel like I am still in the zone!  So, more Facebook updates, this blog (obviously), more work on the short story, some more poetry and maybe even some more erotica (if the mood takes me).  I have included a poem I wrote last week below; read, enjoy, comment,  lets get to it!!


Trapped inside this faceless shell,
my true being hidden and hurt,
saddened and naked travelled and weary,
a freedom desired, a reality lost.

Why do we shiver and cower,
our self loathing evident and on show,
freaks screaming in silence,
bleeding emotions empty and vanish.

Better to please boxed strangers,
burn our own paper bridges,
and ground the suicidal souls,
destined to meet again.

But all they say is 'that's life',
a sick twisted joke already written,
its punch line forever sought,
trapped inside this faceless shell.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

So, as promised...

...here are some photos from Roger Waters performing The Wall last night at the Manchester Evening News Arena!!  It was the greatest concert I have had the privilege of seeing.  Not just the music, which was absolutely faultless, but also the spectacle!  Witnessing an actual wall being built during the first half across the stage followed by a second half with the most amazing visuals projected onto said wall before it came crashing down at the end was an experience!!  Will I ever see anything as mind blowing at a live concert again?!?!?!?  I really honestly doubt it!!  Anyways, enjoy...here's to it!!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Roger Waters...

...the genius that is Roger Waters!  And I will have the absolute pleasure of seeing him perform The Wall in full, live on Saturday night in Manchester!!  I never 'got' Pink Floyd.  I had listened to Dark Side and Wish You Were Here and Piper, but I never 'got' them.  That is until I listened to The Wall...and it blew me away!  Then I 'got' them.  Dark Side and Wish You Were Here made sense, Piper and Saucerful sent me to space, Atom Heart Mother became my soundtrack when bus travelling and The Wall inspired me.  I also fell in love with The Final Cut which is so full of emotion and pain, the speakers bleed!  I did see Roger Waters do a solo tour in 2002 which consisted of Floyd and solo stuff and that was amazing...but...the chance to see The Wall in full is one of those moments in life when you pay what you need to pay and experience it.  It isn't gonna happen again!! 

So that will be my Saturday night, expect a blog report and some photos Sunday daytime!  In the meantime, I wanted to share some more of my poetry.  Enjoy!!

Judgement Comes

The wooden chorus aloft with song,
encases a journey just begun,
while sullen mourners preach from above,
an awakening gorges from below.

Unshackled from this corpse flower,
whispered release from this restraint,
our tragic Earth now an observation,
its beyond now a grandeur stir.

The smell of rampant desire,
the taste of honey and sulphur,
the touch of an endless tragedy,
the sight of heaven and hell.

Our mirrored belief now home,
an eternity incarnate through dusk,
what awaits a reflection of shadows,
salvation or damnation?

And when contempt realisation floods,
and when midnight regret crawls,
and when that tainted darkness chokes,
and when slaughter and torture begin...

...it begins...and will never end.

For the difference between good and evil,
is all the more obvious after our last breath,
after our last thought and final heartbeat,
after silence takes over,
when the body is cold,
the brain stops,
the blood dries,
colour drains,
and then...
...judgement comes.

Back to it!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

White mice...

...the sweet variety, how scrummy are they?!?!?!?  You can just taste the sugar; 3 for £1 at thasda!  I digress blogger readers, it's Saturday, it's been a busy week in work but another 2 writing competitions have been completed and sent off.  A first line poetry competition and a short story competition; the subject being an adult fairy story, the first paragraph is below as a teaser:

It began when Lucifer first shed tears. That moment when the angel Lucifer questioned His will and vanished from Heaven forever. It sent a wave of ripples throughout the mighty kingdom and sparked a massive revolt forcing God to shut the white pearly gates. Those Angels that were in Heaven remained Angels, those that followed Lucifer became Devils and those caught up in between became fairies.

So, at the moment, my girl is watching the football as I see what competitions are coming up in The Writing Magazine as well as online.  I am not listening to some death metal today, something the complete opposite; Bee Gees.  Now don't laugh, you there, at the back, stop laughing!!  The Bee Gees have written some of the greatest songs ever and I especially love the very early stuff so go out and get some Bee Gees.  New Doctor Who is on later as well as Have I Got News For You and then maybe a film to round off the day.  I can't believe that it is half way through May already, how fast is this year going?!?!?!?  Thing is, I can physically and mentally tell that the year is flying by, it will be Christmas before you know it and then another year is gone!!

Anyways, best get back to it!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

A simple blog...

...today.  One that just showcases some of my poetry.  Read, enjoy, dislike, comment, whatever you want for a Tuesday evening.

Our Soldiers

In muddied boots and damp helmets,
trudging across a land of mines and graves,
they fight for a reason lost in translation
and die for an excuse in education.

At home, politics and banks blind our senses,
dazzle us into a naïve arrogance,
what is happening to our sons and daughters?
what is happening to our human race?

They cling on to humanity through family,
they cling on to life through each other,
they cling on to reason through orders,
they cling on to hope through a future.

And still the bullets and mortar rarely miss,
the guns and ammo rarely run out,
the madness and sanity rarely differ,
and the beginning and end rarely change.

But they still go on,
and we still send them in,
and they continue to fall,
and we continue to fail...

...to stop the fighting,
stop the suffering,
and stop the loss.

A Cemetery Of Shipwrecks

A drifting away from the wreck of the Cryptic,
its bow dipping beyond horizon depth,
its resting place a blackening world upon itself,
and a burial of suffocation and release.

Floating through the playfulness of sea,
past the darkness of life and coral,
and into a realm of wonders and nightmares,
to a bed of absolute rest and nothingness.

It settles into its own desired plot,
surrounded by the fallen brothers and sisters,
of past victims of past storms of past times,
a sadness both complete and empty.

For now the Cryptic joins such esteemed company,
the battle and war heroes in unmarked graves,
the rescue ships that paid with sacrifice and honour,
and the complete ignorance of man's unsinkable.

A drifting away from the wreck of the Cryptic,
bobbing on the mystic blue above,
while bowing at the funeral below,
this now a cemetery of shipwrecks.

Back to it.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

RIP Seve...

...what an absolute legend!  What an absolute magician on the golf course!  What a man!

I was heavily into Golf when I was younger.  I was a member of Haigh Hall Golf Club and won many trophies and medals playing in competitions.  It really was my life, to the point that I wanted to turn professional and pursue it as a career.  I practised and practised and even began to study it as if it was a subject in school.  I was pretty good too; my handicap was 12 and I even had the privilege of being the Junior Captain one year.   Circumstances meant it became a hobby and nowadays a rarity.  I still watch it though with my girl and truly believed that Seve would return to the golf course.  Unfortunately life is life.  It isn't just the man that will be missed but his presence.  The game of golf has truly lost a great legend.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Body Count...

...is on the stereo system!  Damn, its takes me back.  Ice T's metal band which combined rap and metal and did it brilliantly, especially on the debut album simply titled Body Count.  Yes, it was controversial with it's Cop Killer track (which was later removed from the album) but it still rocks as an album!!

As you can probably tell, I am a heavy metal music lover!  Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Cradle Of Filth, Devin Townsend...I could go on forever.  I also love David Bowie, The Divine Comedy, Johnny Cash, Frank Zappa, The Beatles...again, I could go on forever.  I am also into Soundtrack scores, Jazz and even some dance.  I think the reason I like so many different artists and varied styles of music is because the first band I really heard and got into was Queen.  They did it all...rock, dance, pop, opera, classical, groove, blues, metal...everything!  For me, I think their first 6 albums are incredible, especially Sheer Heart Attack...what an album!

To be honest, I don't listen to alot of the 'new' bands and artists that are out there now.  Maybe someone can recommend some to me?  you will never get another band like The Beatles or Queen or Led Zeppelin...it just will not happen!!

Anyways, it was a lazy day on Monday; TV and food basically.  Now and again, it's good to have one of those days.  Then its been back to work as normal!  At least it's closer to the weekend than it was at the start of the week!!  Back to it.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

So, when people ask...

...where I was on the Royal Wedding, I can turn round and say...watching the mighty Thor hammer the living crap out of the frost giants!!  A very enjoyable, well made, well acted Marvel film with great special effects, a cool story and some good humour; brill stuff!  To compliment that, me and my girl had a Chiquitos meal-burger for me, prawn fajitas for her and then finished the day off with a trip into B&Q for some DIY stuff.  Why is it that most of the human race will do some sort of DIY on a bank holiday weekend?!?!?!?!?!?!

So, that was Friday, Saturday involved wallpaper stripping, a couple of trips to the skip and then some painting.  New Doctor Who and the film The Hangover were the nights entertainment with a couple of hours spent on Fallout: New Vegas to pass the time!  Today, so far, involved some time on the field with the football, a family day and I also started Portal 2 on the PS3 which is stunning!!  Anyone who has played the first one will know exactly what to expect and why the second one will be just as anticipated!  Some writing, a big Sunday meal and then some quality time in front of the television will finish the day off.

Bank holiday Monday will probably be a very very very lazy one...plenty of stuff on the Sky+ box to get through...Game Of Thrones, The Mentalist, In Treatment, The Event and lots more before the hard drive percent gets down to 0!!!

Anyways, back to it!