...a sort of review of what has gone before and what will be ahead!
So, another year is drawing to a close. Its been hard. Its been rewarding. Its been...interesting.
Not only did I get another top 5 shortlisting in The Writing Magazine monthly competition but I actually won first prize for one of my poems in the same magazine. I was very proud and it re-energised the passion and confidence my writing can sometimes lack. It was also very humbling to read the comments made by the judge.
I have seen many amazing concerts this year - Bob Dylan, Alice Cooper and Devin Townsend to name a few - but seeing Roger Waters perform 'The Wall' with the most amazing stage show I have ever seen was simply stunning. I truly believe that it was the best concert experience I will be privileged to see.
Having my poems accepted on The Erotic Woman website and seeing them gain so many reads was also very humbling. Again, it really boosts confidence and pushes you to continue improving with every word written.
Devin Townsend's 2011 album 'Ghost' is a stunning, heartbreaking, gorgeous piece of work which brings his 4 album concept album run to an end in the most perfect way. The music soars so high, his voice is so versatile and the lyrics are sublime. Personally, I believe the man to be a genius - and the title track is probably my favourite song he has ever done.
The yearly holiday trip to The Lakes was another highlight - a Jazz band cruise, lots of Pitch and Putt, walks with stunning views and lots of chillaxing - perfect.
Work - yes, believe it or not, there was one good thing that came from work this year. I work in a car factory as a Quality Technician - until April when our Quality Manager decided to move on and alot of the responsibility was put upon me. So, I was Quality Technician, Quality Supervisor and Quality Manager for the last 8 months of 2011. To actually be sitting here saying that I actually managed to do all that, regardless of being pushed to my limits not only as an employee but as a person, makes me feel very proud.
Work - yes, despite what I have just said in the previous paragraph, having all that responsibility affected my relationship with my girlfriend, my commitment to the gym, my writing, my whole life. To the point where I was having to live according to work - which of course is not the point of work (especially the 9-5 job).
The other holiday we had this year was to Paris. To say I hated it, was, and still is, an understatement. It is fair to say that city breaks are not my thing.
Personally and just because I am not a patient man, I wish I was further on with my writing than I actually am. Yes, I have taken it to another level with my competition win. But, I want to be doing it full time, as a job...a published author...which I suppose brings me to...
...by the end of January, I will be in the process of becoming a self-published author with my first book called 'Love Or Suicide and the life inbetween'. This collection of poetry and short stories based on said subjects was written some years ago and just needed a tidy, front cover etc ready for self publishing. I am not self-publishing for profit though, more wanting to get it out there.
The new Quality Manager starting January 3rd - pressure off.
The yearly trip back to The Lakes - hopefully to erase the memory of Paris.
Films, films, films. Being a film buff and full time geek - The Dark Knight Rises, The Hobbit, Prometheus, The Expendables 2 and The Avengers - are all at the top of my list of must see movies.
Entering more writing competitions and continuing to write for The Erotic Woman website as well as keeping my Facebook page more up to date as well as more blogging.
Lots more concerts - already lined up is Rammstein, Chickenfoot and Bruce Springsteen.
Anticipating what Devin Townsend is going to unleash next and counting down the days till he does!!
The unexpected - in all honesty, who knows what will happen in 2012. Anything could happen. So, I leave you, my fellow bloggers, with the image that will grace the cover of my self published book as described above and wish everyone a Happy New Year and prosperous 2012. Thanks.
About Me

- James S M Parker
- Self-published author with 3 books out there dealing with the darker side of life through poetry, short stories, observations and sketches. 'Love or Suicide and the Life In-between', 'this heat, it's hell closing in on me' and 'Words to be performed from under a table by the last of us'. Can't live without music (heavy metal and soundtrack's especially), film buff (sci-fi floats my boat), anime watcher (old school mainly), book reader (anything that captures my interest), gamer (PS4/Xbox-One), gym pumper and all round geek.