It is still a bit odd that my true deep and darkest thoughts and feelings are out there for the world to see- basically my heart and soul is on show. In truth, the feedback I have had has been about how open and honest it is and how that makes me feel with that out there. Does it make me feel uncomfortablee? Does it make me feel vulnerable? Of course it does. But it also makes me feel strong and happy that it is out there - like a weight has been lifted.
So, have a look below at some samples of 'Love or Suicide and the Life in-between', fire up Amazon, buy a copy then spread the word. Remember, all my profit will be going to The Samaritans.
Dear Dad
The dripping alcoholic
The warm liar
The ageing sinner
The abusive man
The dead weight
The piercing fear
The blueprint
Like father, like son
Is this what I am to become?
The haunting
The shouting
The stealing
The anger
The pain
The smell
The blueprint
Like father, like son
Is this what I am to become?
The blueprint
Like father, like son
Is this what I am to become?
Lonely World
I talk to myyyyyyy owN shadow
Laugh ( ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ) AT my OWn jokes
feel for my own feelinGs
TouCH my own SKIN
NO one comFOrTs me wHen I NEed
no one kiSSes ME wHen I need to BEE
NO one ListeNs when IIIIIII neeeeed to beeeee
I have no------------------------one Who drEAm’’’’’’s about ME
Or wwwwwwiLLLLLL nOTice
WHHen I am GOne
my heart beats
YeTT TherE is nO one TO TUNE iT
My EYes seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
alllllllllllll………………They SEEEee is mE
I liVEE in THIS world
I have no one who lives with me………LoNEly wORLD…