Below are some pieces written over the course of this year...enjoy!
4th January
I close my eyes and imagine a freedom,
an escape from the grime and shit,
a release from all the trappings,
an end to smothered normality.
This asylum of ignorance and swine,
inmates shuffling along, this walking dead,
with heads down and shoulders slumped,
no respect for each other’s pathetic existence.
They rip and shred their fellow kin,
beat and burn any wayward glance,
pillage the very land they live on
and waste away the precious time given.
To hell with thy neighbour,
let’s snarl at the homeless man,
why don’t we
poison our bodies?
And corrupt our brains.
Our maker must truly despair in silence,
sob and wonder where it all went so wrong,
pray for someone to answer their prayers,
get to the punch line of this sick joke.
I open my eyes and see a prison,
a planet full of grime and shit,
no release from all the trappings,
no end to this smothered normality.
(well - there is one release)
7th February
Old friends
Old friends, forgotten memories,
a carefree youth of excess and fun,
a life free of restraint and boundaries,
together as all, together as one.
25th February
In my eyes I’ve always fallen
Struggling, limbs of stone,
a paranoia of sheep,
those who follow and beg,
content with normality,
a screeching echo, distant
yet urgent, waves of sound
fluttering over smog and dust,
everyone has a dark side,
we all wish you were here
fighting like animals,
bound by forgotten blood,
urged on by chains and spit,
dragged down by the man,
oink oink we pigs,
swine wallowing in our own shit,
our reflection pitiful and sad,
and for being part of this charade,
in my eyes I’ve always fallen.