...comes to an end. Was it a good one...or a bad one? Was it full of amazing music, film and games? Was it full of outstanding gigs and holidays? Lets find out...
First off, I think in general, I will be glad to see the back of 2015. Very up and down for me personally (mainly down to be honest) but I did lose 3 stone in weight, start volunteer work at Martin Mere and manage to stick to being a vegetarian...even over Christmas. Of course, keeping up my health status and gym work is a priority as well as finally leaving my current job in Sanko (16 years is long enough) and focusing on me and my girlfriend as opposed to those around me who don't seem to appreciate the effort or time. I would also like to re-kindle the spark with my close friends who I haven't seen enough of in 2015...difficult with marriage and kids these days though I suppose.
So, what of 2015...mini review time:
Music - an absolute gem of a year with new releases from some legendary bands such as Iron Maiden, Killing Joke, Faith No More and Fear Factory with 'Genexus' by Fear Factory being my album of the year.
Film - without a shadow of a doubt, Mad Max Fury Road was the pinnacle of not only this years films but pretty much of its ilk. Eye bleeding, nose exploding, ear shattering brilliance from start to finish. Star Wars on the other hand was a disappointment!
Games - Everybody's Gone To The Rapture shouldn't have been my pick of the year (no shooting, no running, not much interaction, no levelling up, no driving etc.) but it absolutely was! An intriguing and original story, possibly the best game soundtrack score ever, emotional and atmospheric and gorgeous graphics had me hooked to the point of obsession at times. I even completed it twice.
Books - very impressed with the many author's books I bought whom I met and followed on Twitter in 2015. Cemetery Tours by Jacqueline Smith being my favourite as well as K.R.Rowe's Amber & Blue. Favourite graphic novel of the year has to be Low.
Gigs - haven't been to many this year but the best being Devin Townsend in the Royal Albert Hall playing the entire Z2 album as well as a set of voted selections.
So, hopes for 2016:
Writing - ah yes, more writing but more finishing of my writing. I am a bugger for starting projects and losing interest half way through so this year will be to finish before I move on. My Berlin script being the first thing to finish in January. Looking forward to more reviews for Roobla and maybe some naughty stuff for Hot Chilli Erotica as well.
Work - as I have mentioned above, it really is time for me to move on from Sanko. I literally go through the motions with no sense of achievement, pride or appreciation meaning the one single reason for me being there is simply money.
Health - 3 stone in a year...that's pretty good! But I can do better...so I will in 2016. Not that I ever looked 16 and a half stone at the start of 2015 (although I certainly look and feel 3 stone lighter at the end of 2015). More gym work and better eating.
And the rest - more METAL, Suicide Squad and Batman Vs Superman kicking ass, Final Fantasy VII remake actually being good, and, more vinyl...a lot more vinyl...a shit load more vinyl!!
Its 2016...lets make this a year to remember for all the right reasons!!!
About Me

- James S M Parker
- Self-published author with 3 books out there dealing with the darker side of life through poetry, short stories, observations and sketches. 'Love or Suicide and the Life In-between', 'this heat, it's hell closing in on me' and 'Words to be performed from under a table by the last of us'. Can't live without music (heavy metal and soundtrack's especially), film buff (sci-fi floats my boat), anime watcher (old school mainly), book reader (anything that captures my interest), gamer (PS4/Xbox-One), gym pumper and all round geek.