About Me

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Self-published author with 3 books out there dealing with the darker side of life through poetry, short stories, observations and sketches. 'Love or Suicide and the Life In-between', 'this heat, it's hell closing in on me' and 'Words to be performed from under a table by the last of us'. Can't live without music (heavy metal and soundtrack's especially), film buff (sci-fi floats my boat), anime watcher (old school mainly), book reader (anything that captures my interest), gamer (PS4/Xbox-One), gym pumper and all round geek.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

A new project...

...came to mind a few weeks ago. I applied for, and got, a new job and started work last Thursday. It is different from my previous job and is, so far, only until the 7th January 2017 (which ironically is the same exact date I was made redundant this year). It is OK. I go in, do what I am told and come home. Simple.

Anyway, the new project will be similar to the diary part in 'this heat, it's hell closing in on me' in that I will be writing every day in entries entitled "Day..." and talking about feelings on that particular day. But it is also planned to be a journey even deeper into my own mental issues and the search for the purpose of life. Recently, I have felt that there is something just there, just out of reach that will explain this existence and give me the answers I desperately seek (don't we all) so I am hoping this new project will help. It is also something to keep me writing every day despite now being back in (virtually) full time employment.

I have also finally finished editing everything I have written for my 3rd book, the prequel/sequel to my first 2 books and even managed to continue with the story. This is the book I wanted to write after being made redundant at the start of this year which has not only matured from a children book into the beast that it is now but also been a complete nightmare to track and edit...but it is getting there. But for now, a little sneak peek at the new project:

Day - minus 2

How many steps are there in your house? I bet you count them every time you walk up and down the stairs. You don’t? Why not?! What the hell is wrong with you!

There are 14 steps in my house. I know because I count them every time I walk up and down the stairs (and because I have just checked…twice). And by the way, I am not counting the landing as a step. There are 14 steps when I go up the stairs and 14 steps when I go down them…simple.

How do you know something is real until you actually touch it? I look out my bedroom window and see green fields that stretch for miles; trees and bushes litter the landscape and the odd tractor or car trundles down the single track road. I have walked the fields and driven the road many times therefore at that point, they were real. But what about when I am merely the observer?

What happens to us when we die? I suppose it depends on beliefs and upbringings of the individual. Do we just rot away into nothingness or does our soul (if we have one) transcend and live on? Is the notion of “heaven” and “hell” a false notion or do they exist? Some will argue that during our lives we experience both as a direct relation to how we act and what we do. Surely chocolate and sex are versions of heaven whilst pain and the loss of a loved one reflect hell?

And what about the time we have on this planet. The norm has us working in a job we don’t like for the sole purpose of being paid. We spend the majority of our conscious years slaving away to maintain our material possessions whilst being treated like slabs of meat by those above us. Even the ones who keep us safe or mend our broken bones are not credited as they should be. 

Don’t get me started on how we treat each other, the animals we share the Earth with (yes…share) and the planet itself. I thought humanity was meant to be the most intelligent species on Earth, yet, it seems to be the only one to actually de-evolve over time!

broken will always be broken

I have lost the reflection I once had, cracked mirror all that remains.

Broken will always be broken, glass eyes are long forgotten.

No kiss can give life, tears dry and rock.

Dark breathe, take my hand.

What can I do?

Where can I go?


I feel the cold…only because I am not warm. Coffee helps. Coffee helps with a lot of things. Why is that? I drink a lot of coffee. I listen to a lot of music. Music isn’t just one of the pleasures in life…it is life.

Music is poetry sound tracked by living sound. I wish I could see music. Watch its colours spiral and spin, smell its emotions chop and change, touch its beat heart and soul. If there is a meaning to life, an answer to why we are here then it must be hidden inside music…possibly!

I went for a walk. My body pranced about amongst the trees and fields traversing the path nature had created whilst my mind toiled with my worthlessness, debated the point of me actually being here and reminded myself that no one gives a shit about me.

…my mind is fire,

a desire for destruction

aimed inwards,

wolves tearing pieces,

a savage hanging

of fresh scars,

and broken hope.