...for my books is always something I look forward to. 'Love or Suicide and the Life In Between' and 'this heat, it's hell closing in on me' had their covers designed and created by myself and related directly to the contents and subject matter in them.
There wasn't any point looking at stock designs or asking someone else to design them as it simply wouldn't work. Not that its a bad thing going down that route, more because I was the best person to portray the two books visually on the front and back cover due to the personal aspect of them. It helps that I am pretty artistic and studied Art as well as Design & Technology in College. For me, it also highlights the fact that the two books are self-published so every single thing...from content to layout, grammar to fonts and front cover to back cover...is all me. So, after completion of my third book, 'to be performed from under a table' came the task of creating a front and back cover.
First thing was first, the book was about my reaction to the world we live in, my place in it and the very real thoughts of suicide and how that would affect the people around me. So, the covers had to relate to this directly.
Secondly, I wanted something iconic and simple. Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon is so iconic, both musically and visually, and the cover of the album is so simple. On the other hand, you have Sgt Peppers by The Beatles which has a cover crammed yet is just as iconic as Dark Side.
And thirdly, I wanted to design and create it using the tools available to me just by switching my laptop on...I didn't want to download or purchase any fancy software.
My initial thought was a completely black cover with a small white hole in the middle...to signify a journey or passing over to the other side (go to the light). I decided against this though because I didn't think it would grab the attention of someone looking to buy it. Then I thought of incorporating a table (due to the title and the content) but again vetoed this for the same reason as the black cover/white hole idea. Then, I thought of a door. And then of a figure walking towards it. Inside the door could be a universe...which would signify either death or life. But then I came up with idea of showing, very clearly, that this figure had committed suicide by slashing his wrists. Furthermore, I wanted the title of the book on the front (but in a strange font) and for the first time ever, some blurb on the back about the book.
And so I set about creating and designing it. It didn't take me long and I didn't mess about with it during its birth. I had a clear idea of what I wanted it to look like and represent and I set about doing it. Yes, I could have easily gone over and over it adding little details or changes, but, like the contents, I wanted it to be raw, to the point and clear. Simple yet very effective. Open to interpretation and also very honest about what it was trying to say. So, here it is, the front cover for my third book.
About Me

- James S M Parker
- Self-published author with 3 books out there dealing with the darker side of life through poetry, short stories, observations and sketches. 'Love or Suicide and the Life In-between', 'this heat, it's hell closing in on me' and 'Words to be performed from under a table by the last of us'. Can't live without music (heavy metal and soundtrack's especially), film buff (sci-fi floats my boat), anime watcher (old school mainly), book reader (anything that captures my interest), gamer (PS4/Xbox-One), gym pumper and all round geek.
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